The Tree Squirrel At Letaba

Squirrels Enjoy Breakfast Just As Much As Humans

Letaba… 2017… Aimee and I were staying at Satara during the long Easter Weekend and early one morning, when the gates opened, we headed to the Olifants and Letaba camps respectively.

We saw all sorts of animals and birdsReptiles were scarce in the coolish morning, and there were, surprisingly, a number of Southern Tree Squirrels. Little did we know that we would soon be up, close and personal with one.

Most of the morning is a complete blur due to what happened at Letaba.

We were starving, well, I was anyway. We ordered breakfast and watched the river bed below the restaurant. We got to see the friendly Bushbuck wondering around in front, the Cape Glossy Starlings and Yellow-billed Hornbills were around, waiting for scraps. No Monkeys, which was great! But… There was a very tame, if we can call it that, Tree Squirrel.

There were a few Squirrels running around, as had been earlier when we were driving through the Kruger, but this one was different.

Tree Squirrels Enjoying Breakfast At Letaba

Squirrels Are Cute!

Tree Squirrels are cute, but it is not good seeing a wild animal that is not afraid of humans at all… As I was eating my breakfast, the Squirrel came up to the table, jumped on and looked at me. I waved my arms around, that didn’t work, I tried to “shoo” it away, and that didn’t work.

The Tree Squirrel got closer, so I took my fork and tried to poke it with the blunt back-end. I actually got to prod it gently; this did not deter the Squirrel one bit. He or she, not sure if it was male or female, then proceeded to grab some of my egg and a slice of toast!

I couldn’t believe it. It happened in a flash and I couldn’t do anything. Surely the prodding worked? Well I thought it would anyway, but obviously not. I was a bit angry to say the least, and the restaurant was full of laughter. I finally got over it and found it quite funny. A Squirrel had literally eaten my breakfast! I couldn’t believe it!

That is just a huge reminder, PLEASE do NOT feed any animals or birds in the Kruger National Park, no matter how cute or hungry they may look.

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